Sunday, December 27, 2015

My Wishlist for Santa

Dear Mr. Santa Claus(e),

As a kid reading so many fables & fairy tales; I grew up believing, you come for Christmas. A small town kid never saw you in reality and thought you probably come in the foreign lands only where Christmas is celebrated. I had no way to track you down or reach out to you but in my mind. I'm glad that I've got this opportunity to pen down my wishlist and I'm going to ask you a few questions before I bring up my wishlist.

  • Why don't you come down to small town kids?
  • Where do you stay for the rest of the year?
  • Why have you come with a clause and kept a provision for yourself to refuse probably?
Ok, so no Kaun Banega Crorepati and let's end the list of questions here. My Wishlist for you is very simple:
  • A big fat paycheck and a slim body. And, Please don't mix it up like the last year.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.